Tuesday, July 10, 2012

No Bueno

Injury is no fun at all!  I celebrated the last day of school by going on a beautiful trail run the next morning.  However, I rolled my left ankle a few times, eventually resulting in a not so beautiful fall that left me with a deep gash in my right knee, bruising on my hip, and a sprained ankle.  A trip to the emergency room, followed by a visit to an orthopedist, and I have spent the last four weeks doing physical therapy, but no running.  It wasn't the way I'd imagined the start of my summer vacation, but it has been an eye-opening experience.  I had never done any type of physical therapy before, and I have learned a lot of new exercises that I will incorporate into my weekly strength building routine.

Yesterday I was able to go on my first run since spraining my ankle.  I ran two miles on the track and was so glad to be back at it.  Things are looking up!

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