Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions Anyone?

I'm not usually one to make New Year's resolutions.  Maybe it's because I'm a teacher and September feels more like the beginning of a new year to me than January does.  Maybe it's because I'm more apt to start something new whenever it comes up, not just at the beginning of a new calendar year.  Nevertheless, I do have a resolution this year.  Well, resolution might not be the right word, exactly.  It's more like a goal.  I wouldn't say I'm resolute, resolved to accomplish this particular task.  It's more like an ideal that I would love to achieve...

This year I would like to include more yoga in my fitness routine.  Now, I'm a runner.  I love to run, especially long distances.  I don't really enjoy other types of exercise as much.  However, my husband introduced me to the idea of doing yoga, and I've tried it (and enjoyed it) a handful of times.  I like how relaxing it is, but at the same time I can feel my muscles getting stronger.  My goal this year is to do yoga every week.  I'll be satisfied with once a week, and if possible I'll try to fit it in twice a week.  We'll see where it goes from there.

I'll be doing yoga at home using the classes by Chaz at  I have been automatically downloading his weekly podcasts in iTunes since early 2010, when I first tried it out.  So far I have done Yoga for Beginners, Yoga for Toning, and Basic Sun Salutations.  I like the flexibility of being able to do yoga whenever I feel like it, as well as being in the comfort of my own home.  I like how Chaz explains each of the poses in a clear, simple way that even a beginner like me can understand.  Most of all, I love that there are so many episodes to choose from!  Check it out and join me in my New Year's resolution.  Here's to yoga in 2012!

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